Saturday, May 15, 2010

Write your own list...

I wanted to share a personal story with you. In the years I was in college, I was a very confused, idealistic young man. I speak in the past tense but know full well, I am still weary of the ideals I pursue, and if anything, I try to be more discerning.... I digress--during college, a lot happened and it changed me inexorably into the person I am today. One of the things that happened was that some good people taught me the importance of goal making in life. Back in my first senior year (before I left for a time) I was given a great challenge: Write at least 100 lifetime goals and assign dates to the most important ones. Gretchen and I did this together, and it helped us focus some of our worries and thoughts at the time. Looking at the goals I wrote about 4 years ago, many of them were not at all real to me, and I have felt responsible to myself to revise them for some time. Tonight, I finally did so, and though the list isn't at all complete it's a start. I write this all to provide a hopeful, worthwhile challenge to you: Write your own list of goals. Even if they are small, big, and yes unrealistic--they will be there so that you can see them. For those of you reading this, I hope you do so and wish you the best in realizing what is most important to you. Thanks for letting me be vulnerable with you.

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