Thursday, June 14, 2012

36 Weeks and Nesting

36 Week Belly (6/7/12)... now 37 weeks but don't have a pic yet.
What's happening: 
- Lots of hiccuping.
- Baby likes to lay on the right side of my belly, often leaving me looking lop-sided, also resulting in some nice rib-kicking in the evenings.
- She likes her daddy's voice! She moves towards him when he talks to her, so sweet :)
- She also likes music. A lot. She kicks dances in there while I play Pandora on my Kindle.
- My belly button is weird.  It refuses to pop out all the way, half of it pokes out the other half is still in.  
- She is leaving us guessing as to her position. I have an appointment today for a sonogram to see if she is still breech. Cross your fingers- I do not want a C-section!

- We have finally set up her bassinet. I decided it was time since technically I could go into labor any day. Now we are training the cat to NOT go in the bassinet- he seems to think it is his new bed.
- Baby laundry is all washed and ready to go! So fun to fold those tiny clothes!
- Baby's closet and changing table are mostly organized.
- The hospital bag is PACKED! I looked at so many "What to Pack" checklists, all of which listed different "must-haves", but I think I have enough to make our stay comfy.

Aster likes to try on baby's clothes.

Attempting to sort and organize baby's things= chaos!

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