Baby Bookout is due July 5th!
We've known since I was five weeks along (back in November), but wanted to wait until our second appointment, where we would finally meet my doctor, and were assured that everything was going good with baby.
So far so good!
We did wait a long time before telling- 17 weeks!
It was difficult not telling family over the holidays... luckily no one seemed to notice I wasn't always feeling great... or drinking coffee... or taking dips in my parents' hot tub!
It felt so good to finally break the news this past week!
I've been taking pictures of the bump every other week since I can't seem to remember to do it every week (preggo brain).
The baby bump is now visible...

Once the second trimester hit I started feeling better- no nausea.
I do get tired easily and hungry more often.
Baby likes to get me up in the wee morning hours to use the restroom... so fun :).
Thankfully, I haven't had any swelling or other weird symptoms- yet.
I haven't felt any movement which is normal, but I might start feeling it in a couple weeks.
We do plan on finding out the gender and telling people.
We do not plan on telling people the name until baby is born!
We're so thankful for all the kind words and support we've had from everyone already! I'll try to keep the blog updated with what's going on :).
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