Sunday, March 25, 2012

A Special Visit

A couple weeks ago my sis and bro and cutie-pie nephew came to visit, we had a great time! My family usually meets up in Newton so it was extra special that they drove a couple hours further to visit our homestead. My mom and dad came for the day too, it was nice to all be together in our tiny abode!
We did some shopping, ate some good food, played with the dogs, and enjoyed cuddles from Easton.

I didn't take a lot of pictures, but Easton was super cute with the dogs. Whenever they would come up to him he'd get a HUGE grin and reach for them! The dogs were very obliging. SO cute.
At this point we don't have to worry about teaching gentle pats or tail pulling... I'm sure that will come later!!

Thursday, March 8, 2012

23 Weeks

The bump has officially popped out!

Friday, March 2, 2012

First Sonogram Pictures

Our scanner will not connect correctly to our computer, so I took pictures of the pictures... which never works as well! You get the jest of it though.

Here she is!
Profile: the bubble looking thing by her face is the umbilical cord.

It's a girl!

Little alien :)

That's her hand waving up by her face... all five fingers!