Thursday, April 29, 2010

Words of Encouragement

I just wanted to acknowledge all the people in the past and present who have gone out of their way to make this year a success for me. Many folks have gone out of their way with words of encouragement in regards to this school year and their words of encouragement have meant A LOT to me. I am a words of affirmation type personality--translation: when people compliment me or say nice things to me, I feel really, really good about what I've been doing, and I have been getting this from plenty of caring and generous folks.

Oh, and if you're wondering, I am 95% sure I will have my job for next year. This isn't completely official yet, but according to another teacher hired by TLEC who is in a similar position as I, I will have my job. This, needless to say, is a big blessing to Gretchen and I. I really enjoy my caseload of students, and have made a lot of progress with them, and I hope that we can continue to work together long enough to see them graduate.

Thanks again everyone!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Happy Earth Day!

*Click on the cartoon to enlarge

Baby Blues was one of my favorite cartoons growing up. I totally relate to this even though I don't have kids. Between the dogs and my outdoorsy husband, there certainly is a lot of "earth" in our house :).

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

I GOT MY CAMERA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Details to come... and pictures. Obviously.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

4/7/10 Hail

We had pea-sized hail for almost half an hour this afternoon. My indoor plants were outside due to the hot weather the past few days. It was a mad dash to the front porch to take down the hanging baskets before the hail destroyed everything!

30 seconds before it hit...

The bowl filled up with about 1 1/2 inches of hail.

Gotta love Spring. Let's just hope the tornadoes stay away :).

Saturday, April 3, 2010


I have not taken a lot of pictures lately because I am frustrated with my camera. Whine whine.
Moving on...
Here are some good/decent one's from February and March. Enjoy :)

Aster now knows how to open cabinets- he found a great cabinet to take a nap. On top of my towels. Bad kitty.

And he sleeps with his legs up by his head.

Does he get any weirder? Yes he does. He has an uncontrollable rubber-band and twist-tie fetish. I let the cats out of the laundry room one morning and he had opened up the cabinets and dumped out the baskets with tape and rubber-bands. There were rubber-bands in their food, water, and under the washing machine. Bad kitty.

* * * * *
Baking is fun.

Chocolate Chip Crunch Cookies

Chocolate Mocha Bundt Cake

* * * *
Good Stuff From Goodwill

Down-filled pillows and shell-backed chairs

Fancy Stuff

The Living Room. Most of it is second-hand, gifted, or free. Eclectic.

That's all for now. When my camera decides to behave there will be more.
Happy Easter Everyone!